Bogged Weekly Wrap Up 13/5


It’s time for the Bogged Weekly Wrap Up!

It’s been a stressful week in the crypto-world, but it’s been full steam ahead here at Bogged.

Bogged? Yes, we’ve rebranded!

This week we announced the rebranding of Bogged Finance to Bogged. More in line with how our community and the wider DeFi Community refer to us, the simplified name and branding helps us to stand out in an ever-crowded space.

This brings with it a more refined logo and logotype, and a colour scheme and theme that will be rolled out shortly across our whole suite.

This unified look started rolling out to, then to the main site. Now the new look and complete redesign is actively being worked on for the Trading Platform.

Bogged API

Screenshot from the Bogged API Website

It’s time, this weekend the Bogged API will release publicly.

We built the Bogged API as a tool for developers to help them build dApps and solutions faster. It’s the same data we use for our Charting Platform. We plan to monetise the Bogged API to help us further expand the development of Bogged.

As a project that hasn’t taken on Venture Capital backing, we need to ensure that we remain profitable to continue to develop and expand our offering. The Bogged API is a part of this effort to continue to raise capital to fund the expansion of Bogged.

That’s all folks!

When I started the weekly wrap-up three weeks ago, I thought that we might not have enough news every week for an update from the team at Bogged. But it turns out my fears were completely unfounded, our team is building an all-in-one platform for DeFi at a break-neck speed despite these market downturns, to put us in an incredible position when the market rebounds.

Let me know what you think of the weekly wrap up in the comments below. There’s even more around the corner, I’ll see you next week.

Luke Martinez



Bogged - All-In-One Platform for DeFi Trading
Bogged - All-In-One Platform for DeFi Trading

Written by Bogged - All-In-One Platform for DeFi Trading

Bogged is the home of DeFi Limit Orders, Stop Losses, DEX Aggregation, Charts and more.

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