The Bogged Platform revamp: DeFi Perpetual Futures (200x long/short), improved trading interface, and more


The upcoming updates to our market-leading DeFi trading platform will bring new sought-after features and a better DeFi trading experience for all. Read on to find out what’s coming.

Q4 has been a busy period for the Bogged development team. Behind the scenes, we’ve been hard at work on implementing new products and features designed to emulate the centralized trading experience as fluidly as possible within DeFi. We’re delighted to announce our first major update to the core trading platform at,

Launching Tuesday, 13th of December, the improved platform will eventually become the ultimate domain for anything to do with DeFi, Web3 and more, with a wealth of new features available at launch.

What’s new in the upcoming update?

Completely redesigned trading interface.

Our leading DeFi trading tools are now more intuitive than ever before, thanks to a completely redesigned UI. Enjoy the power of Bogged DEX Aggregator and Limit Orders, within an interface that makes the most out of the best features of CEX and DeFi trading.

Enjoy some sneak previews of the revamped interface below. Note that the platform is still in development; features, designs and tools may be added, changed and removed for the 13th December launch date.

The completely redesigned dashboard makes all of Bogged’s tools accessible in as few clicks as possible, making DeFi trading completely effortless. Traders can also easily find help, read informative articles, and see what tools they have unlocked, all within the dashboard.
The new trading interface with fully integrated chart (line or candlesticks), and easy navigation between various order types.
Effortlessly onramp into DeFi thanks to our seamless card payment integration
The new trading interface places an emphasis on easy customization to suit your needs
Empower your cross-chain trading with Bogged cross-chain tools
Cross-chain interoperatibility has taken a huge precedence in the redesign
Brand new and improved staking interface- support the platform and earn a fair share of tool revenue!

DEX Routing upgrade: Listing every DEX on all supported chains

As with all our upgrades, there’s been plenty of work done below the hood. In the aim to become the most comprehensive aggregator in DeFi, Bogged have created extensive upgrades to our routing protocols. A more detailed article about these changes will be posted after launch, but traders should notice faster, cheaper swaps than ever before, through any and every token and DEX available.

Perpetual futures: Long and short DeFi tokens with 200x leverage

With what may be one of our most anticipated feature releases in some time, we’re excited to announce that we have been working on a fully featured decentralized perpetual futures platform, in partnership with ApolloX. This is a huge step forward for Bogged and our goals to provide the ultimate CEX-like experience in a completely decentralized ecosystem. All trades are matched in a fully decentralized manner, using a matching engine developed by ApolloX, and trades are settled directly in the trader’s wallet, without needing to sign up for any external exchanges, providers, or KYC.

We aim to have a full walkthrough of the platform’s features posted here shortly.

A screenshot of the upcoming DeFi perpetual futures interface

Unstoppable Domains integration: simplify and personalize your DeFi experience

The new Bogged platform will fully integrate Unstoppable Domains, a leading Web3 Domain provider. Web3 Domains are a human-readable “address” that can be associated with blockchain wallet addresses. There are many use-cases for these, including a Web3 “username”, which can allow traders to “log in” to DApps with an easy-to-remember name, without compromising security.

The future of the Bogged trading platform redesign

As with all Bogged platform upgrades, future proofing and laying groundwork is a core tenet of this revamp. We’re excited to share the upcoming features we have planned for the revamped Bogged platform, so make sure to watch this space for news.

The Bogged ecosystem — The ultimate DeFi destination

Bogged offer a wide range of DeFi tools not covered in this article, including;

If you’d like to learn more about the Bogged platform, please visit If you’d like to get in touch with the team or community, you can do so on Reddit, Twitter, Discord and our Telegram Group.

For more information about upcoming features you can follow us on our Medium or Telegram Channel.



Bogged - All-In-One Platform for DeFi Trading

Bogged is the home of DeFi Limit Orders, Stop Losses, DEX Aggregation, Charts and more.